Memory leaks in C++ is a huge production risk

Production RiskSoftware ResiliencyCode Reliability

Memory leaks in C++ is a huge production risk

This code insight counts a violation each time a Call free or delete to free the memory.  List all locations where a memory allocation is created (malloc/calloc/realloc, new, and std::auto_ptr.release()) that is not freed (using free or delete).

void f()
int *array = calloc(1024, sizeof(int));
/* Do some work with array here */
// VIOLATION: Memory not freed


void f()
int *array = calloc(1024, sizeof(int));
/* Do some work with array here */
free(array); // REMEDIATION


Why you should care

Memory leaks ultimately mean available memory is gradually reduced leading to various problems ranging from poor responsiveness to a system/application crash

Business Impacts

Production Risk

CAST recommendations



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