Methods as functions tend to be unproductive

Production RiskSoftware ResiliencyCode Reliability

Methods as functions tend to be unproductive

This code insight counts one violation each time a method :

  • has no @staticmethod decorator and no “self” as first argument
  • has @classmethod decorator and no “cls” as first argument

class Rectangle:

    # should be preceded by @staticmethod here
    def area(width, height):
        return width * height
class Rectangle:
    # should be preceded by @classmethod here
    # missing required first argument "cls"
    def print_class_name():
        print("class name: Rectangle")


class Rectangle:
    # clarifies that this is a static method and belongs here
    def area(width, height):
        return width * height
class Rectangle:
    def print_class_name(cls):
        # "class name: Rectangle"
        print("class name: {0}".format(cls))



Why you should care

When a method is not preceded by the @staticmethod or @classmethod decorators and does not contain any references to the class or instance (via keywords like cls or self), Python raises the “Method could be a function" error. This is not a critical error, but you should check the code in question in order to determine if this section of code really needs to be defined as a method of this class.

Unlike some programming languages, Python does not pass references to instance or class objects automatically behind the scenes. So the program must explicitly pass them as arguments whenever it wants to access any members of the instance or class within a method

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