The Cloud Migration Application Advisor provides automated Cloud migration insights and recommendations based on a specific migration scenario in just a few clicks. See in this article how the feature works.

Scenario-based Cloud migration insights

In previous versions of CAST Highlight, application-level Cloud Maturity insights were spread across different tabs and were not necessarily taking the specific migration scenario into consideration. We are now making life easier for our users by grouping all these insights into a single screen and filtering the information based on an application’s origin and target environments. For instance, if a user wants to move an application from X Cloud provider to Y Cloud provider through containerization, this Cloud Maturity Application Advisor is now automatically generated with just a few clicks.

At the application level, from the “Cloud Maturity Advisor” tab, first select the platform your application is being migrated from (on premise, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM Cloud) and then the platform it will be migrated to. You can also select an option that tells the Cloud Maturity Advisor that this Cloud migration will be done through containerization of the application. Finally, click on the “Generate Cloud Maturity Insights” button.


Depending on the options you selected, the application characteristics, the triggered migration blockers, and detected boosters, the automated report includes:

  • Platform-agnostic blockers: Detected code patterns that could slow down migration to any Cloud provider
  • Platform-agnostic boosters: Detected code patterns that are good practices for applications moving to any Cloud provider
  • Platform-specific boosters: Detected code patterns that are good practices for applications moving to the specific target Cloud provider
  • Platform-specific blockers: Detected code patterns that could prevent an applicatio  from implementing some specific services from specific Cloud providers, or a current use of a service from the origin platform which will need to be moved to the target platform
  • Cloud Service Recommendations: Recommended Cloud native services to adopt from the specific target Cloud provider
  • Container blockers: Detected code patterns that could block or slowdown containerization of the application
  • Multi-Cloud blockers: Detected code patterns that could hinder deployment across multiple Cloud providers

Clicking on one of these categories shows the detailed information.

Then, you can modify your Cloud migration scenario by changing the different options, or export this information in Excel and get ready to move to the Cloud!