Bad variable names can increase costs

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Bad variable names can increase costs

This code insight counts one violation each time the name do not complies with:



  • underscore allowed
  • upercase
  • anything delimited with double underscore

Note : a constant is an identifier that is assigned at only one time in a function, method or global scope, with a literal value (number, string or list)






  • underscore allowed
  • lowercase


Note : a variable is an identifier that is assigned at least one time in a function, method or global scope.


PI = 3.14                   # (constant because assigned only one time in root scope)
CONST1 = [item1, item2]     # (constant because initialized with a literal list
CONST2 = "this is a string" # (constant because initialized with a literal string
my_var = 10                 # (variable because assigned later in same scope)
class toto:
   def meth() :
       CONST3 = 100    # (constant because assigned only one time in meth() scope)
       var = 10        # (variable because assigned later)
       print 'yo'
       var = 5
       my_var2 = var   # (variable because not initialized with a literal
       PI=5            # (variable because assigned two times in "meth()" scope)
       PI = PI_0
my_var = 5


Why you should care

The name of the variable or constant does match the naming convention. This error is a stylistic warning. The code will execute. But you can improve the readability of the code by renaming the variable or constant to match the following regular expression:

  • Variables: [a-z_][a-z0-9_]$
  • Constants: (([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$

Business Impacts


CAST recommendations



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