Java-Style getters and setters can increase production risks

Production RiskSoftware ResiliencyProgramming Best Practices

Java-Style getters and setters can increase production risks

This code insight counts one violation each time a class define getter or setter (one of then or both) for a given member.

If the implementation of the class contain the following pattern:


then a violation will be counted if the class defines a getter/setter mehod compliant with the following naming (case insensitive) unless the declaration of this method is preceded with the decorator @property or @xxx.setter:



Why you should care

Python is not Java. If you need to set or get the members of a class or object, just expose the member publicly and access it directly. If you need to perform some computations before getting or setting the member, then use Python’s built-in property decorator.

Usage of built-in property decorator allow to associate a member access syntax (<object>.<attribute>), to a treatment implemented by a function. this is usefull because:

  • there is no “private attribute” concept in python’s classes. But property decorator force getters and setter decorators force to call a getter for each access to a member.
  • for existing client code accessing directly to members , it is possible to add data treatment throught getter and setter without needing to modify the client code.
    class P:
        def __init__(self,x):
            self.x = x
        def x(self, x):
            if x < 0:
                self.__x = 0
            elif x > 1000:
                self.__x = 1000
                self.__x = x
        def x(self):
            return self.__x

Business Impacts

Production Risk

CAST recommendations



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